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Artistic Director

Tony Duncan Productions

National and international performances: Dancer, speaker, storyteller, facilitator, consultant

Notable Engagements 

2020 Lead storyteller and Native installation curator at IDEA Museum 

2020 Featured storyteller Heard Museum Indian Market

2019 co-Lead with the Mesa Arts Center on the Public Art installation: Water = Life

2019 Featured storyteller Pueblo Grande Museum Indian Market

2019 Featured storyteller Litchfield Indian Market

2019 Featured storyteller Heard Museum Indian Market

2018 Keynote Aboriginal Youth Conference Treaty 6 

2018 Featured Artist Santa Fe Days

2018 Featured storyteller Heard Museum Indian Market

2018 Featured storyteller Pueblo Grande Museum Indian Market

2018 Featured storyteller Litchfield Indian Market

2018 Radio Interview-Hopi Radio Station 

2018 Performer We Day Toronto (Ontario)

2017 Featured storyteller Heard Museum Indian Market

2017 Featured storyteller Litchfield Indian Market

2019 Co- Choreographer Kisahkatin: You are Loved by me

2018 Co- Choreographer Wonska Trickster

2016 Co- Choreographer Love our Women 

2015 Co- Choreographer WATER IS LIFE 

2014 Performer & Co-Choreographer "AS LONG AS THE GRASS GROWS…"

2014 Performer US - Florida(Miccosukee) (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)
2012 Fancy Dancer Nelly Furtado BIG HOOPS music video 

2012 Performer Workshop performance of ...AND THE HOOP STAYS STRONG at Summer Solstice Festival in Ottawa 

2011 Performer Australia

2011 Radio Interview-Native America Calling

2010/2011 Performer and wksp presentation of ...AND THE HOOP STAYS STRONG 

2010 Performer & Workshop Facilitator US Miami, Australia (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2009 Performer & Workshop Facilitator US Miami (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2009 Radio Interview Native America Calling

2008 Performer Guatemala, El Salvador (Yellowbird Indian Dancers)

2007 Performer Co-Production - Eagle Meets the Condor Tour in Ecuador with Casa de la Danza productions 

2007 Performer & Workshop Facilitator U.S. - Florida(Miccosukee),U.S. - Florida(Seminole), Ecuador, Italy

2007 Radio Interview-Aboriginal Voices Radio 

2007 Radio Interview-Native America Calling

2007 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival

2007 Presenter Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards

2017 Featured Artist Full Circle Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

2006 Keynote-Aboriginal Business Summit Calgary

2006 Performer & Workshop Facilitator U.S – Omaha,Nebraska, Louisville,Kentucky, Hawaii, Florida(Miccosukee), New York City (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2006 Performer & Co-Choreographer Sky Woman Falls To the Earth, Aftershock-The Return of the Hoop dance, The Gift of Dance returns to the People 

2006 Radio Interview- Aboriginal Voices Radio 

2006 Radio Interview- Native America Calling

2006 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival

2005 Performer Dancing the Red Path (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2005 Performer & Workshop Facilitator US - Florida(Miccosukee) (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2005 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival
2004 Performer REZ TIES (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)
2004 Performer & Workshop Facilitator US – Sacramento, California; Phoenix, Arizona (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2004 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival
2003 Performer Medicine Voices – NITSANAK; THE FAMILY, 2002 Healing Times
2003  Performer & Workshop Facilitator US – Pittsburgh,PA.; New Zealand (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2003 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival

2002 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Switzerland, France and Italy (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2002 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival
2001 Performer Kimowan’s Prophecy (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2001 Performer & Workshop Facilitator New Zealand, US – Florida(Miccosukee) (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2001 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival
2000 Performer Seven Generations (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2000 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Mexico – Mexico City, Cancun; New Zealand (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

2000 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival
1999 Performer Creations (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)
1999 Performer & Workshop Facilitator US-Hawaii (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

1999 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival

1998 Performer Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay (Red Thunder Dance Troupe)

1998 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Canadian Aboriginal Festival
1996 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Trickster Trilogy

1995 Performer US – Nebraska (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)
1995 Performer & Workshop Facilitator Dancing the Red Path
1993 Performer Elemental Giggles (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

1993 Performer US – Albuquerque, Navajo Nation-Window Rock, Tsaile (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

1992 Performer Walking In Beauty (Kehewin Native Dance Theatre KNDT)

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